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Wheel Diameter8.0000
Fastening TypeTop Plate Swivel
Fastening Size7-1/4'' x 5-1/4'' (PATP)
Wheel MaterialMetal
Swivel Lead2.06250000
Wheel TypeVG - Cast Iron V-Groove
Swivel Radius7.2500
Bearing TypeRoller
Wheel FaceV-Groove
Caster TypeSwivel
Wheel ColorSilver Enamel Paint
Temperature RangeUp to +350°F
Tread Width3.0000
Mount Height10.1250
HardnessBrinell 145
Toe GuardToe Guard (TO)
Wheel CategoryCast Iron
Heavy Duty Kingpin
Conveyor-drawn Tow Trucks
Heavy Duty Bakery Racks
Production Dollies
Heavy Duty Dough Troughs
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