Designed and formulated to withstand continuous exposure to moisture, significantly increasing life expectancy compared to TPU. Fusion bonded to prevent tread separation and reduce noise related to mechanical interlock failures.
Capacity: Up to 1000 lbs
Engineered to withstand 280°F at -32 psi vacuum pressure, Sterilizer High-Temp Rubber Wheels will not develop flat spots or separate from their cores, making them ideal for hospital medical carts used in autoclaves or for other equipment consistently exposed to steam-sterilization chambers or frequent cart wash cycles.
Capacity: Up to 300 lbs
Designed and formulated to outperform, outlast, and take customer efficiency to the MAX. With best-in-class ergonomics and durability, this versatile polyurethane on aluminum wheel will drive new value into your operations. .
Capacity: Up to 1500 lbs
Reactive polyurethane wheel tread is chemically and mechanically molded onto a lightweight aluminum wheel core. Count on this wheel to glide quietly across even debris covered floors, while maintaining the durability to carry heavy loads.
Performa wheels offer the advantages of both hard and soft tread materials in a single wheel. Like a hard tread wheel, Performa rolls easily and is very durable. Like a soft tread wheel, it rolls quietly, protects floors and resists impacts with a cushion ride. Round or Flat tread available.
Capacity: Up to 1700 lbs
Colson manufactures wheels to fit almost all needs, including polyurethane, rubber, metal, nylon, phenolic, and polypropylene wheels, including a wide range of pneumatic and pneumatic-like wheels.
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