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Casters with BBL denote a Ball Load Swivel Raceway, and feature a 7-inch diameter machined and hardened load raceway with ball bearings, for smooth movement and extended wear. The thrust bearing is a 1-1/4-inch tapered roller bearing.
Wheel Diameter6.0000
Fastening TypeTop Plate Swivel
Fastening Size8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Swivel Lead2.25000000
Wheel TypeFS - Drop-Forged Steel
Swivel Radius5.2500
Bearing TypeRoller
Wheel FaceMachined flat with rounded edges
Wheel ColorClear Coat Enamel
Brake TypeFace Contact (F)
Temperature RangeUp to +800°F
Swivel LockN/A
Tread Width3.0000
Mount Height9.0000
HardnessRockwell 80 B
Heavy Duty Kingpin
Die Carts
Die Tables
Material Handling
Power-drawn Equipment
Steel Mills
Towable Transportation Equipment
Towed Trailers
Work Benches
Work Stations
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