Above image may be representative or a CAD rendering; see 3D model below for additional views.
Wheel Diameter4.0000
Fastening TypeTop Plate Swivel
Fastening Size6 1/4" x 4 1/2"
Swivel Lead2.00000000
Wheel TypeCA - Cast Iron
Swivel Radius0.0000
Bearing TypeRoller
Wheel FaceMachined flat with rounded edges
Wheel ColorGrey Enamel
Brake TypeNone
Temperature RangeUp to +800°F
Swivel LockNone
Tread Width3.0000
Mount Height5.5000
HardnessBrinell 145
Toe GuardToe Guard (TO)
Heavy Duty Kingpin
Heavy Duty Bakery Racks
Heavy Duty Dough Troughs
Production Dollies
Racks and Cases
Racks and Storage
Tow Line
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